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very good, very beautiful, very... 我们最爱用的就是very啦,好像句子里不加个very就不能表达强烈的语气和真挚的情感。


Mark Twain:Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very;’ your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.


Florence King: 'Very' is the most useless word in the English language and can always come out. More than useless, it is treacherous because it invariably weakens what it is intended to strengthen.


要知道词汇可是雅思评分中很重要的一项~想要让你的形容词升级表达更强烈的感情,不用 very 也能做到,来和考官秀一发词汇量吧~

Don't say very accurate 

Say exact

very afraid  →  fearful

very angry  →  furious

very annoying  →  exasperating

very bad  →  awful

very beautiful  →  gorgeous

very big  →  massive

very boring  →  dull

very bright  →  luminous

very busy  →  swamped


very clam  →  serene

very careful  →  cautious

very cheap  →  stingy

very clean  →  spotless

very clear  →  obvious

very cold  →  freezing

very colorful  →  vibrant

very competitive  →  cutthroat

very complete  →  comprehensive

Don't say very cute  

Say adorable

very confused  →  perplexed

very creative  →  innovation

very crowded  →  bustling

very dangerous  →  perilous

very dear  →  cherished

very deep  →  profound

very depressed  →  despondent

very detailed  →  meticulous

very different  →  disparate


very difficult  →  arduous

very dirty  →  filthy

very dry  →  arid

very dull  →  tedious

very easy  →  effortless

very empty  →  desolate

very excited  →  thrilled

very exciting  →  exhilarating

very expensive  →  costly

Don't say very fast

Say swift

very fancy  →  lavish

very fat  →  obese

very friendly  →  amiable

very frightened  →  alarmed

very frightening  →  terrifying

very funny  →  hilarious

very glad  →  overjoyed

very good  →  excellent

very great  →  terrific

very happy  →  ecstatic

very hard  →  difficult

very hard-to-find  →  rare

very heavy  →  leaden

very high  →  soaring

very hot  →  sweltering

very huge  →  colossal

very hungry  →  starving

very hurt  →  battered

Don't say very loud 

Say thunderous

very important  →  crucial

very intelligent  →  brilliant

very interesting  →  captivating

very large  →  huge

very lazy  →  indolent

very little  →  tiny

very long  →  extensive

very long-term  →  enduring

very loose  →  slack


very mean  →  cruel

very messy  →  slovenly

very necessary  →  essential

very nervous  →  apprehensive

very nice  →  kind

very noisy  →  deafening

very often  →  frequently

very old  →  ancient

very old-fashioned  →  archaic

Don't say very slow 

Say sluggish

very open  →  transparent

very painful  →  excruciating

very pale  →  ashen

very perfect  →  flawless

very poor  →  destitute

very powerful  →  compelling

very pretty  →  beautiful

very quick  →  rapid

very quiet  →  hushed


very rainy  →  pouring

very rich  →  wealthy

very sad  →  sorrowful

very scared  →  petrified

very scary  →  chilling

very serious  →  grave

very sharp  →  keen

very shiny  →  gleaming

very short  →  brief

Don't say very upset 

Say distraught

very shy  →  timid

very simple  →  basic

very skinny  →  skeletal

very small  →  petite

very smart  →  intelligent

very smelly  →  pungent

very smooth  →  sleek

very soft  →  downy

very sorry  →  apologetic

very special  →  exceptional

very strong  →  forceful

very stupid  →  idiotic

very sure  →  certain

very sweet  →  thoughtful

very talented  →  gifted

very tall  →  towering

very tasty  →  delicious

very thirsty  →  parched

very tight  →  constricting

very tiny  →  minuscule

very tired  →  exhausted

very ugly  →  hideous

very unhappy  →  miserable

very upset  →  distraught