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Part one 


1. What’s your favourite type of weather? 

2. Do you like rainy days? 

3. How does the weather influence your life? 


1. What kind of bird you may like to watch? 

2. Do people in your country love to raise birds as pets? 


1. What’s your favourite tree? 

2. Do people in your country love the same tree? 


1. How many languages do you speak? 

2. Which languages would you like to learn? 

3. How important is English to you?


1. Do you like painting? 

2. Do you often visit art galleries? 

3. What kind of things you may like to paint? 


1. Can you dance? 

2. What kind of dance is popular in china? 


1. How important is concentration? 

2. How to improve concentration? 


1. Can you cook? 

2. Do you think it is important to learn cooking? 


1. Do you have a favourite or lucky number? 

2. Are you good at math? 

3. How do you remember numbers?


1. Do you prefer to travel by boat or ship? 

2. How often you may go boating? 

Part two 


 A person in history 

Who the person is 

How do you know this person 

What he/she achieved 

How about your feelings of this person 


A TV program you dislike 


 A library you like 

Where it is 

How often you go there 

Who you may go with 

Why do you like it

 A historical place 

Where it is
What you learned from the place 

When you went to there 

How you felt when you went there 


 A birthday you enjoyed 

Whose birthday 

Who you were with 

How you celebrated this birthday 

How you felt at this birthday celebration 

 A party you enjoyed/would like to organise

 A happy childhood memory 

What it is 

Where and when this even took place 

Who you were with 

Why it is a happy memory

 An important stage in your life 

How old you were at that time 

Where you were at that time 

What you did at that time 

Why do you think it is important to you 

 A second language you would like to learn 

What language you would like to learn 

When you want to learn it
Is is difficult to learn 

Why you would like to learn it 


 A vehicle you would like to buy 

What the vehicle is 

When you want to buy it 

Whether it could be expensive 

Why do you want to buy it


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